
In 2021-22, 5% of the total annual food and beverage budget was for products that were ethically produced. 22% of the food and beverage budget was spent on plant-based foods.


Chartwells Higher Education Dining Services manages food service on the Cal Poly Humboldt campus. The dining commons and campus eateries are Green Restaurant Certified, and their offerings include food and drinks from local bakeries, restaurants and farms, as well as daily vegan and vegetarian options. Food waste is composted through the campus’ food waste diversion program, and Dining Services utilizes the OZZI program to reduce dependence on single-use containers. 



  • Year over year improvement of AASHE STARS Dining credit scores and contribution towards increase of overall campus STARS rating (Chartwells contract)
  • >25% of eligible food and beverage purchases are sourced within 200 miles of campus (Chartwells contract)



  • Development of a Dining Sustainability Plan - ongoing
  • Financial support for the Oh SNAP! Food Pantry on campus to help reduce food insecurity - ongoing
  • Vegan Station in the dining commons offers 4-6 vegan dishes per meal - ongoing
  • Waste Not tracking and reporting of pre-consumer food waste - ongoing
  • Pre- and post-consumer food waste collected for composting through the campus food waste diversion program - ongoing
  • Expand use of OZZI to-go containers and reusable plates, cups and cutlery in the dining commons - ongoing


Next Steps

  • Launch sustainability labeling of dining menu items (developed through partnership with HowGood)
  • Expand use of reusable utensils and tableware at campus eateries and catering services
  • Replace individually packaged items with bulk items and fountain drinks in campus markets
  • Determine program improvements for Weigh the Waste 
  • Institutionalize waste education for staff and customers


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